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11th October 2018 

The Melton Local Plan 2011-2036 was adopted by Full Council on October 10, 2018. It sets out the Council’s policies for the use and development of land across the whole of the Borough. It replaces the saved policies of the 1999 Melton Local Plan. The local plan is the main part of the development plan for the Borough and will be given full weight by the Council in making decisions on planning applications. Neighbourhood Plans are also part of the development plan, where they have been ‘made’ – you can find out more about the made neighbourhood plans with the Borough on

Please see the Adopted Plan page for further details -

Papers for the Full Council meeting (10th October) at which the adoption of the Melton Local Plan was considered are available. For more information visit:

The Inspector

Planning Inspector; Mary Travers BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI has been appointed to undertake an independent examination into the soundness of Melton Local Plan.

The Inspector’s task is to consider the soundness of the submitted Plan, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework).  The relevant soundness criteria are whether the Plan is: 1 – positively prepared (based on a strategy that seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development); 2 - justified (the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence); 3 – effective (the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities); and 4 – consistent with national policy (the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the Framework). 


The Inspector will take into account the representations submitted upon the Plan as far as they relate to soundness considerations. A number of informal debates will take place on the principal matters identified by the Inspector these are termed Hearing Sessions.


Following the closure of the Examination, the Inspector will prepare a report to the Council with precise recommendations, these recommendations may include modifications to the Plan, if such a request is made by the Council.


Guidance Notes have been prepared by the Inspector to help people understand the process. Any queries people may have regarding the Examination process should be directed to the Programme Officer who will be happy to assist.

The Inspector's report was received by the Council on 14th September 2018 and it can be viewed here (link). The Schedule of Main Modifications received from the Inspector as an appendix of the report can be viewed here (link)

Programme Officer


The Programme officer used during the examination was Mr Ian Kemp.


Inspector Correspondence


Occasionally, it will be necessary for the Inspector to write to the Council to offer procedural direction or to seek information.

Correspondence between the Inspector and the Council is exchanged through the Programme Officer. For transparency and information purposes correspondence from the Inspector is published below:

ID1 - Initial Questions for the Council, 17-11-17

ID1A - Initial MBC Response to Inspector ID1A 29-11-17 

ID1B - MBC Response to Inspector ID1B 01-12-17

ID1C - MBC Proposed Modifications (The suggested main modifications are being put forward for information only by the Council, without prejudice to the Inspectors consideration of them, any consultation in due course on proposed main modifications and the final recommendations in the Inspectors report.)

ID1D- MBC Response to Initial Question 4 - Housing Land Supply 20-12-17

MBCHS1A - 5 Year Land Supply & Housing Trajectory Update 20-12-17

MBCHS1B - Annex to 5YHLS Dec document  - Melton Long Term Trajectory for Allocated Sites 20.12.2017

ID2 - Inspectors Response to MBC Letter ID1A 01-12-17

Statements of Common Ground


Statements of Common Ground between the Council and Representors assist in identifying issues not in (or remaining in) dispute, enabling the Examination to concentrate on the key issues requiring further discussion. Statements of Common Ground will be posted below as they become available.


SCG1 – MBC & Historic England

SCG2  MBC & Charnwood BC

SCG3 - MBC and Leicester City Council

SCG4 - MBC, LCC and the Melton North Consortium


Hearing Sessions Venue and Timetable

Hearing Sessions commenced at 09.30am on Tuesday 30th January 2018 within Room CC1 of Melton Borough Council Offices, Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbrary, LE13 1GH.

Version 4 of the Programme is now available and includes details of those participating in the Hearing Sessions.

The Inspector’s Matters and Questions establish the issues to be explored during the Examination.

Following consideration of the written statements (see below) the Inspector will prepare agendas for the Hearing Sessions. Agendas will appear here as they become available.

Matter 1 Agenda

Matter 2 Agenda

Matter 3 Agenda

Matter 4 Agenda

Matter 5 Agenda

Matter 6 Agenda

Matter 10 Agenda​

Matter 7,8,9 and 11 Agenda

Documents Submitted During the Hearings


During the course of the Hearing Sessions additional documents may be requested by the Inspector. Once submitted they will be made available here. The documents are referenced according to the relevant Matter.

In addition to the documents below the Council have produced a track changed version of the Local Plan to illustrate how the Pre Submission Plan is altered by the Focussed Changes. The Plan is available here and is provided for illustrative purposes'


M1 - 1 - MBC Neighbourhood Plan + Additional Housing Sites (Updated 15/03/2018)(Relating to error in calculating overall total in Wymondham and inclusion of a site in Asfordby Hill)

M1 - 2 - MBC - NP LP  Alignment (Updated 20/02/2018)

M1 - 3 - MBC - Suggested NP MM Post Hearings (Updated 23/02/2018)

M1 - 4A - Neighbourhood Planning - Aspbury Planning for Barratt Homes

M1 - 4B - Neighbourhood Planning - Broughton & Old Dalby Parish Council

M1 - 4C - Neighbourhood Planning - Clawson in Action

M1 - 4Ci - Neighbourhood Planning - Clawson in Action - Appendix

M1 - 4D - Neighbourhood Planning - Croxton Kerrial & Branston Parish Council

M1 - 4E - Neighbourhood Planning - Dr Brian Kirkup

M1 - 4F - Neighbourhood Planning - Frisby Residents Action Group

M1 - 4G - Neighbourhood Planning - GVA for Jelson

M1 - 4Gi - Neighbourhood Planning - GVA for Jelson - Appendix 1

M1 - 4Gii - Neighbourhood Planning - GVA for Jelson - Appendix 2

M1 - 4Giii - Neighbourhood Planning - GVA for Jelson - Appendix 3

M1 - 4H - Neighbourhood Planning - Harris Lamb

M1 - 4I - Neighbourhood Planning - Long Clawson Hose & Harby Parish Council

M1 - 4J - Neighbourhood Planning - Matthew Williams

M1 - 4K - Neighbourhood Planning - Pegasus for Davidsons Developments

M1 - 4L - Neighbourhood Planning - Plan-it X for Asfordby Parish Council

M1 - 4M - Neighbourhood Planning - Sydney Wood

M1 - 4N - Neighbourhood Planning - Terry Joyce

M2 - 2 - M2 - 1 - MBC - Settlement Hierarchy Audit Trail

M4 - 1 - Greenlight Development in respect of land at Melton South

M4 - 2 - Melton South MoU

M4 - 3 - Melton South Masterplan

M4 - 4 - Melton South Indicative Framework

M4 - 5 - Melton South Planning Application Red Line Boundary

M4 - 6 - Melton South Employment Areas

M4 - 7 - Cushman & Wakefield - South Melton Baseline 15% Affordable Housing

M4 - 8 - Cushman & Wakefield - South Melton Scenario 1 Baseline Less 163 Units 15% Affordable Housing

M4 - 9 - MBC - SS5 - MBC response to GVA suggestions (Updated 20/02/2018)

M5 - 1 - Bottesford PC - Letter to MBC Agreed Housing Numbers

M5 - 2 - Site Selection Audit Trail

M6 - 1 - Information relating to different methodologies for calculating the Five Year Land Supply in Melton (Updated 20-02-18)

M6 - 1A - 5YLS Methodologies - Aspbury Planning for Barratt Homes​

M6 - 1B - 5YLS Methodologies - Gladman Developments

M6 - 1C - 5YLS Methodologies - GVA for Jelson

M6 - 1D - 5YLS Methodologies - Harris Lamb

M6 - 1E - 5YLS Methodologies - Home Builders Federation

M6 - 1F - 5YLS Methodologies - John Moore

M6 - 1G - 5YLS Methodologies - Pegasus Group for Davidsons

M6 - 2 - Appeal referenced by MBC (1)

M6 - 3 - Appeal referenced by MBC (2)

M6 - 4 - Justice Lindblom Judgement referenced by MBC

M9 - 1 - Cllr Simpson - Appeal Decision

M10 - 1 - LCC - Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Expression of Interest

M10 - 1A - LCC - Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Expression of Interest Appendix

Written Statements

In response to the Inspector's Matters and Questions the following written statements were received:

Evidence Base Documents


In preparing the Plan the Council both refer to and were informed by a number of documents that together form the 'Evidence Base' for the Examination. These documents can be accessed through the link below.


Evidence Base Documents

Main Modifications

As part of the examination process a number of proposed Main Modifications have been identified. A Main Modification is an amendment which is considered necessary to make the Plan sound, and is required in order to address concerns raised by either the Inspector or other representors during the examination process.

The Council has prepared a schedule setting out the proposed Main Modifications it considers necessary in order for the Local Plan to be found sound. The Council are now consulting on the proposed modifications and inviting comments on them until the 2nd August, 2018. For more information on how to comment please view the Guidance Note and the Statement of Representations Procedure and Availability of Documents.

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