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Information Statement
Information Statement
Information Statement
Information Statement
Information Statement
Compliance Statement
GIS Data
Green Infrastructure Strategy 2024
Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan
Open Spaces Strategy 2024
Neighbourhood Plans
Neighbourhood Plans
Council Support - Neighbourhood Plans
SEA screening toolkit
LCC Communities Support
Housing Mix and Affordable Ho...
Design of Development SPD
Developer Contributions SPD
Adopted Plan
Adopted Plan
Evidence Base
Local Plan and NP Policies
Adopted Interactive Policies Map
Main Mods
Local Plan Update
Local Plan Review and Update
Issues and Options
I&O Representations
Evidence Base (Local Plan Update)
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Approved South SN Masterplan 2020
Approved North SN Masterplan
SN 2018 Plan Evidence
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
5YHLS & housing trajectory
Self/Custom Build Register
Brownfield Register
Rural Housing Needs
Housing Delivery Test
01664 502502
Local Plan representations
This page is where you can view all the representations made with references between 401 and 450 for the pre-submission consultations.
401 - Jelson Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7YAJ-U.pdf
402 - Stephen Lee and the VB Trust - BHLF-13H4-7YZS-W (1).pdf
402 - Stephen Lee and the VB Trust - BHLF-13H4-7YZS-W (2).pdf
402 - Stephen Lee and the VB Trust - BHLF-13H4-7YZS-W (3).pdf
403 - Wymondham and Edmondthorpe NPlan Group - ANON-13H4-7YYF-F.pdf
404 - Bottesford Parish Council - BHLF-13H4-7Y8Y-1 (1).pdf
404 - Bottesford Parish Council - BHLF-13H4-7Y8Y-1 (2).pdf
405 - LCC - BHLF-13H4-7YNC-1 (1).pdf
405 - LCC - BHLF-13H4-7YNC-1 (2).pdf
405 - LCC - BHLF-13H4-7YNC-1 (3).pdf
405 - LCC - BHLF-13H4-7YNC-1 (4).pdf
406 - Leicester City Council - BHLF-13H4-7Y8J-J.pdf
407 - Leicester Diocesan Board of Finance - BHLF-13H4-7YH2-A.pdf
408 - Leicester Diocesan Board of Finance - BHLF-13H4-7YHD-V.pdf
409 - Leicestershire County Council (Archaeology) - BHLF-13H4-7Y8F-E.pdf
410 - Richborough Estates - BHLF-13H4-7YZB-C (1).pdf
410 - Richborough Estates - BHLF-13H4-7YZB-C (2).pdf
411 - G S Developments (Leicester) Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7YUR-Q (1).pdf
411 - G S Developments (Leicester) Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7YUR-Q (2).pdf
412 - Mr J Simon - BHLF-13H4-7Y8R-T (1).pdf
412 - Mr J Simon - BHLF-13H4-7Y8R-T (2).pdf
413 - M Hill, P Hill, Mrs M Hyde - BHLF-13H4-7YNE-3 (1).pdf
413 - M Hill, P Hill, Mrs M Hyde - BHLF-13H4-7YNE-3 (2).pdf
413 - M Hill, P Hill, Mrs M Hyde - BHLF-13H4-7YNE-3 (3).pdf
414 - Melton North Action Group - BHLF-13H4-7YA9-A.pdf
415 - Melton North Land Consortium - BHLF-13H4-7YN2-G (1).pdf
416 - K & A Watchorn & Sons - BHLF-13H4-7YZH-J (2).pdf
416 - K & A Watchorn & Sons - BHLF-13H4-7YZH-J (1).pdf
416 - K & A Watchorn & Sons - BHLF-13H4-7YZH-J (4).pdf
416 - K & A Watchorn & Sons - BHLF-13H4-7YZH-J (3).pdf
417 - Tony Stimson - BHLF-13H4-7YZ1-U.pdf
418 - Bottesford Forum - BHLF-13H4-7YAF-Q (1).pdf
419 - National Federation of Gypsy Liaison
420 - Natural England - BHLF-13H4-7YNB-Z.pdf
422 - Opun - ANON-13H4-7Y6E-B.pdf
421 - Oadby and Wigston Borough Council - BHLF-13H4-7Y88-Z.pdf
426 - Persimmon Homes - BHLF-13H4-7YZ2-V.pdf
425 - Davidsons Development - BHLF-13H4-7YNN-C (3).pdf
425 - Davidsons Development - BHLF-13H4-7YNN-C (2).pdf
425 - Davidsons Development - BHLF-13H4-7YNN-C (1).pdf
424 - Davidsons Development - BHLF-13H4-7YNF-4.pdf
423 - Davidsons Development - BHLF-13H4-7YNG-5.pdf
427 - Electro Motion UK Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7YM8-N.pdf
428 - Purnima Wilkinson, EMH Group - BHLF-13H4-7YNS-H.pdf
429 - BPNP Steering Group - BHLF-13H4-7YN9-Q (1).pdf
429 - BPNP Steering Group - BHLF-13H4-7YN9-Q (2).pdf
430 - Robert Galij, Barratt David Wilson Homes - ANON-13H4-7YPR-J.pdf
431 - First Provincial Properties Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7Y8S-U (1).pdf
432 - South Kesteven District Council - BHLF-13H4-7Y81-S.pdf
433 - Sport England - BHLF-13H4-7YZE-F.pdf
434 - Sproxton Parish Council - BHLF-13H4-7YMY-P.pdf
435 - Sydney George Wood - BHLF-13H4-7YN5-K (1).pdf
436 - Tata Steel UK - BHLF-13H4-7YZN-R (1.pdf
437 - The Coal Authority - BHLF-13H4-7YSK-E.pdf
438 - The Leicester Diocesan Board of Finance - BHLF-13H4-7Y91-T.pdf
439 - Richborough Estates - BHLF-13H4-7Y8P-R (1).pdf
439 - Richborough Estates - BHLF-13H4-7Y8P-R (2).pdf
440 - Vic Allsop - Clerk to Hoby with Rotherby PC - BHLF-13H4-7YUE-A.pdf
441 - William Davies Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7Y8B-A (1).pdf
441 - William Davies Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7Y8B-A (2).pdf
441 - William Davies Ltd - BHLF-13H4-7Y8B-A (3).pdf
442 - Clawson, Harby and Hose PC - BHLF-13H4-7YN1-F(1).pdf
443 - Gladman Developments - BHLF-13H4-7YZW-1.pdf
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