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How we use cookies

Melton Borough Council wants to make its online services easy, useful and reliable. To do this websites will sometimes use a common technology to place small text files on your computer. These files are known as cookies. By continuing to browse our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies as explained here.

Melton Borough Council’s website uses the cookies set out in the table below. Temporary (session) cookies are deleted when you leave our website. Persistent cookies remain on your device after you leave our site, for a specified period of time.

Our website uses Google Analytics to gather information on how our visitors engage with – for example, which pages are most popular, the times of day most people visited the site, what keywords are most popular in searches etc. This information helps us to develop our website to improve our users’ experience. Google Analytics uses cookies to provide this information. The data is collected anonymously, reporting website trends without identifying individual visitors or collecting any personal data. For more information on Google Analytics’ use of cookies follow this link: Cookies and Google Analytics (opens new window). You can stop Google Analytics from placing cookies on your devices by following this link: Google Analytics Opt-Out (opens new window)

The cookies used on our website do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify you personally. The table below shows all of the cookies that are set by this website and the third-party services we use.

You can manage cookies yourself: The Help menu on the menu bar of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when a new cookie is received and how to disable cookies altogether. You can learn more about cookies through this link: Internet browser cookies - what they are and how to manage them (Opens new window).

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